Friday, March 21, 2014

Pink or blue for #2?

1 week from today, we will find out what baby #2 is.  I'm clueless this time around so I did some gender prediction tests like I did with Collins. The intelligender test didn't give a clear result last time so i didn't spend the money on it this time around.

Based on old wives tales, here is what we are having:

Chinese calendar- girl (wrong with Collins)

Craving fruit- girl (correct with Collins)

Heartbeat- girl (correct with Collins)

Dreams- have had boy and girl dreams 

Moms instinct- I really have no clue. This pregnancy is a lot like Collins' and their heartbeats have been almost identical so I wanna say girl but still kind of feel like it's a boy

Breakouts- girl (wrong with Collins)

Pencil test- boy.  It did circles first for Collins and then slowed down and went back and forth for boy (correct with Collins)

Wedding ring test- girl (didn't do with Collins)

Pink is favored according to these tests but I'm still not convinced. With Collins, I REALLY wanted a  girl. But this time, I can honestly say I will be happy either way. We haven't had a boy on either side of the family for at least 5 years so a boy would be nice. And I've surprisingly been wanting to buy baby boy clothes and have a mama's boy. Buuuut, Collins and this baby will be 21 months apart so how cute would 2 girls be? Dressing them the same, a close sister bond that I treasure with my sisters and of course, bows!!!! Feel free to share your predictions!

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