Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Day in the Life

It's been a long time since I shared a day in our life.  I stopped working in December so it's just me and C bug during the week.  We try and get out every day or we both go crazy.  Between story times, play dates, the store, etc. we always find something to do.  Derek travels off and on but he is home this week.
1:33am-  I'm 18 weeks pregnant and wake up for the second time to use the restroom.  2 times before 2am is just ridiculous. 
7:23am- I jump awake to the sound of "dada! dada!" I'm guessing she's been up for a bit because she plays quietly before shouting out to us.  I slowly get out of bed, use the restroom and brush my teeth before going to get her.  Derek gets up to and lets the dogs out while I change her diaper.  We all head downstairs while she drinks her sippy of milk and watches Mickey. 
7:50am- She runs to the stairs and signs "eat."  I fill up a cup of water for me and make her oatmeal, mandarin oranges and water while Derek unloads the dishwasher and then goes to shower.  He's working in KC today so he doesn't have to leave very early.  I take the opportunity to shower after him so he can entertain Collins. 
8:30am- He leaves for work after I shower and I let Collins play in her bean box so I can finish getting ready.  We keep some toys in our room to entertain her but the bean box was a special treat this day. She plays with it until she sees me get my make up bag out and then she demands to sit on the counter and "help" me with my make up. 

9:10am-  I grab a granola bar and water for myself and then we head downstairs to play.
9:40am- Diaper change, get her dress, coats and shoes on and out the door for an indoor swing set place.  Kansas hasn't got the Spring memo yet so we have to entertain ourselves indoors since it's only in the 40s. She eats some goldfish in the car.
10am-10:40am- We don't last very long before Collins gets cranky.  I didn't think it would be crowded because Spring break was last week but it was super crowded and she wasn't happy when her turn was over on the trampoline. 

 11:00am- We are going through a very picky stage so I try to make a healthier version of one of her favorite foods.  Pizza on whole wheat English muffin, grapes, corn and water.  I change her diaper while the pizza cooks.
11:20am-She eats the grapes, no corn and a couple bites of pizza but doesn't like it.  I eat it myself along with grapes and my 1 diet coke a day I allow myself to have.  I give in and melt some cheese in a tortilla for her.  She ate the whole thing.  Clean up lunch and load dishes and then head downstairs to play.
12:15pm- Derek comes home for lunch so we sit in the kitchen with him while he eats.  I start a load of her laundry and restart the dryer that has had clothes sitting in it for 2 days now.  Derek rocks and does our laundry on Sundays and "forgot" about the clothes in the dryer. 
12:35pm- Put Collins down for a nap and she is out in about 5 min.  Derek heads back to work and I use nap time to catch up on facebook, instagram, email, etc.  Pregnancy is still making me pretty tired so I take a 20 min nap and then fold the clothes in the dryer and put Collins clothes in the dryer. 
3:05pm- Collins wakes up.  She usually sleeps 1.5-2 hours so this was an abnormally long nap.  I change her diaper and get her a snack.  She eats some homemade applesauce and a maybe a bite of graham crackers.  She isn't a big fan of vegetables so I made applesauce over the weekend with apples, carrots and bananas.  She loves it.  Win for me! Back downstairs to play.
3:40pm- Upstairs for a  #2 diaper change.  Back downstairs to play and work on animal sounds.   Daddy gets home about 4:15pm and he joins us in the playroom.
 5:00pm- Head upstairs to start making meatballs for dinner.  4-6pm is usually her cranky time.  Has been since she was a newborn.  She always wants to be in the kitchen helping with dinner so we turn on the music and dance to try and keep her happy.  It doesn't last long so Derek and her play on the ipad while I get the meatballs in the oven and her some noodles cooking.  She's still not happy so Derek gives her a couple animal crackers.
5:45pm- Meatball sandwiches and chips for me and Derek and noodles with meatball and marinara, peas and carrots and pears for her.  She eats all her fruit and vegetables (except the carrots) but won't touch the pasta.  I hate making her a 2nd meal but she's already on the little side so I don't want her to starve.  I melt some cheese and butter into the noddles I made and she eats all of it. 
6:10pm- Play downstairs

7:00pm- Daddy's turn on bath night (we do every other night) and I fold her laundry and clean up the play room.  After she's in her pajamas he brings her downstairs with her sippy of milk and we turn on Finding Nemo while she drinks it. 

 7:40pm- Whoever doesn't have bath night does book, brush and bed.  We read If you give a mouse a cookie and brush her teeth.  Sound machine on, lights out and lots of newly learned eskimo kisses and giggles.  She gives me a real kiss and into her bed she goes.  She's really been cuddling with her aden and anais blankets lately so I give her one and she finds her binky (I know, weaning is happening soon).  Don't hear a peep from her and she's out in less then 10 min.
 7:45pm-9pm- Me and Derek watch TV downstairs and I work on a blog post.  We don't have a ton of shows we regularly watch but The Voice is on and it's one we both like. 
9pm- I'm an old lady and head up to bed.  I watch Teen Mom and surf the Internet on my phone.  Derek usually comes up and steals the TV about 9:30pm and it's TV off and sleep time at 10pm. 
There you have it! I'm all ears if anyone has recommendations on what to do with a picky eater.  There will be a 2nd baby the next time I do one of these so I'm sure things will look a lot different. 

1 comment:

  1. my kids are picky and the advice i have been given is to just keep offering it to her. this has proven to be helpful as now dane likes so many more foods than he used to, and if I had just given him whatever he wants he would never have even tried it. Keep doing what you are doing, sneaking them veggies in when you can! It is a pain but I am a sucker and I was a picky eater as a child so I don't like to make my kids eat foods they "don't like"
