Monday, November 7, 2011

Busy Busy

Last Friday we went to El Dorado for our nephew Paxton’s birthday party.  He turned 4 on Nov. 1 but my sister had his Rock N’ Roar party on Saturday. The party turned out so cute and it was the first year he invited kids from school so it was fun to see him interact with his friends. 
After the party, we ate yummy food my brother in law smoked and watched the K-State game.  Even though we didn’t pull out a win, it was a good game and there was lots of cheering going on. My sister Amber, her family and my mom headed back to KC after the game but Derek and I stayed another night.  In the midst of telling them bye, we must have missed the shake of the earthquake that happened in Oklahoma. Darn!! People in El Dorado, Manhattan and KC all felt it! We had some drinks, watched TV and played a game that Paxton got for his birthday before calling it a night
After being kicked by Paxton all night (worlds worse sleeper), we left El Dorado early Sunday and headed to Galva for our niece Halle’s 4th birthday and party. She had an adorable Princess And The Frog birthday party complete with lots of girly presents. So glad she’s into barbies, dolls and pink. Makes shopping easy and fun! We didn’t stay too long because we still had a 2.5 hour drive home and we will be going back to Galva Thursday for the delivery of our new niece! We are watching our 2 nieces and nephew while their mom (Derek’s sister) has her 4th baby. We are sssoooo excited!
Wednesday we have our final walk through on our house, Thursday we close on it before heading back to Galva, we come back home Saturday and move in on Sunday! So yes, a very busy week but we can’t wait to move into our first home! Lots of pics to come after we get moved in!


  1. Uh your only babysitting your 2 nieces, not 3, then she would be having her 5th child. Just sayin. Can't wait to see pics of the new baby and the new house!! Exciting week!

  2. I meant 3 nieces and nephew as a whole but I fixed it so there is no more confusion. I will upload a pic as soon as we see her and house pics will be up Sunday or Monday!
