Friday, September 29, 2017

5 on Friday

No joke, I started this last week and never got around to finishing it because....

3 kids is HARD! Whoever said going from 2-3 kids was a piece of cake, LIED!!! Even with the first two being only 21 months apart, it was much easier.  Now I have fighting kids, a fussy baby and a to do list that hasn't been touched in days. So.much.going.on. It may look like I've got it all together (if you follow me on IG), but it's a zoo around here.

 Collins and Brooks both go to preschool T/TH mornings and I find myself running any errand quick because 1) Baby hates the car seat 2) I want to get home to watch Kelly and Ryan.  I pretty much only watch it for the first 15 min but seriously, they crack me up! Anyone else?

 Uber eats. I may never have to leave my house again. Not many options for our area yet but I can tell I'm gonna love it. Cause baby hates the car seat.

The hubby (ugh I can't believe I just used that word) has a birthday tomorrow so we are taking a day trip back home to go to a K-State game!! I haven't been to one since Collins' was a baby so I'm excited. We're only taking the baby. The baby that hates the car seat. 4 hours in the car outta be real fun.

We leave for Disney in less than 60 days!!! I know this because we had to book our fast passes last week at the 60 day mark. I'm not a fan of character clothes but for this trip, bring on allll the mickey stuff.  Pajamas? Yep! Shoes? Yep!  It's a good thing I started buying stuff over a year ago.

SIX (cause I can)
I saved the best for last, I'm getting a nephew in March!!!! My sister Amber is expecting and we are over the moon excited.  There will be a 9 year gap between this baby and Aiden but he is beyond excited for a baby brother. Yay for more babies!!!

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