Our Kai bug went and turned a year old on June 28. Of course I was sad when Collins and Brooks turned a year but this one has been so much harder, knowing he's our last baby. This age is so much fun though!
At 1 year, Kai weighs 19lbs (20%) and is 28in tall (25%). He grew 2 inches since his 9 month appointment so he finally made it on the height chart. His head is in the 95% range. Which explains why he's always falling over.
Just like Brooks, Kai hates whole milk. Not warm, not cold, not in any sippy cup or bottle. Not even chocolate milk! I'm not too stressed about it though, we make sure he eats plenty of yogurt and cheese. I nursed him longer than the other 2 because he was waking up at 5:30am and I'm just not ready for my kids to be awake at that time. So he'd nurse and go back to sleep. He stopped nursing completely about a week after his first birthday when we learned that he'd drink strawberry pediasure. We're slowly adding more whole milk to it in hopes of getting him on just whole milk. But he's sleeping through the night from 7pm-6am. Hallelujah!
I'm shocked that he still only has 3 bottom teeth! It looks like the top 4 are on the way. He's wearing a size 3 shoe although I can't get any to stay on his fat feet! Also in a size 3 diaper and 9-12 month clothes.
The first night of not nursing him before bedtime, I was standing by his crib singing to him and he pointed to his rocking chair like "yeah right, mom. You've still got to at least rock me!" I cherish that he still loves being rocked for a little bit before we put him in his crib. He always points to the chair if we don't try skipping the rocking He's got the finger pointing down. There was one day that I didn't know what he wanted and he flapped his arms like a bird to get me to walk and flapped and pointed until we landed at a box of cookies. He is so smart! If we just close the baby gate without actually locking it, he can get it open. He will notice if it's open and make a mad dash for the stairs. Brooks was 14 months when we moved into this house but I'm realizing I need to baby proof more than I had to with him! Kai's into everything!!! The bottom cabinets have safe stuff inside them so he has a hay day pulling out trash bags from one cabinet, the kid plates/cups from another, tupperware, etc. Our kitchen usually looks like a tornado just went through it.
I don't remember Collins and Brooks being this vocal either. There was one day that we heard him say "hi" so good that we thought it was Brooks! It sounds like he says "up" and he'll say "huh" for hot and "mmmm" if you ask him if something is good. I know those don't count as words but he's trying!
We laugh at how much his stomach sticks out. He's a bottomless pit! He's not much of a vegetable fan anymore so I sneak those in with other foods and he eats 1 squeeze pouch that contains vegetables, a day. He loves all other food though, especially fruit. He didn't devour his birthday cake which surprises me because he loves sweets. He once ate about 7 donut holes during one of Brooks' baseball games and was pissed at me when I wouldn't give him more. The kids are always sharing food with him so he basically eats all day long.
He started walking soon after he turned 11 months. It just clicked one day and he was off. He always wants to be outside, likes the pool and bath but not water in his face. He can follow simple commands like "get your cup." He still won't really sit through a book. He just wants to turn the pages and close the book. Collins room is his favorite. He whines anytime I walk away from him. Climbs everything and doesn't like sitting in a shopping cart very long.
We just had a simple birthday party for him with mostly family. He loooves balloons so I made sure to have lots of those and then we had a pool and sprinkler going in the backyard since it was 95 degrees outside!
We love you so much Kai and have enjoyed every second of this past year with you.
Check out his 1 year photo session auntie Amy took of him. I can't even narrow them down so go look at them all here
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